Corporate business development plan

Corporate business development plan

“There is no favorable wind for the sailor who does not know where to go.”
Seneca (philosopher)

Strategic planning guides the company in the use of resources in specific activities and thanks to the path outlined it increases the chances of achieving management objectives such as the operating profit and the armonic and balanced growth of the company in the long run.
Each company has its unique features, but generally those that achieve lasting and balanced growth over time share two typical traits of the corporate culture: a strong marketing focus on the development of customer relationships, and a dynamic business vision.
Kenning Consulting's planning and management control project focuses on the second one to make it produce its extraordinary driving force on business management.

An effective strategic plan must be engaging with the personnel, provide adequate resources, set consistent objectives that undergo periodic checks.
The strategic plan is an essential process for business development and is built with an articulated work involving various people engaged for a few months. It consists of various phases, the first concerns the formulation of the strategy, the second deals with the elaboration of the budget, the third consists in the development and implementation of the strategy. The process is completed with the periodic verification of the results achieved which is functional to the adoption of the necessary corrections and adaptations.
Management control plays a crucial role in this process and to be effective it must apply simple and straightforward procedures.
The activity aimed at verifying the results with the operational functions, includes the preparation of the final income statement for the period to be compared to the budget and the final accounts of the previous periods.
Management control performs an essential support function to facilitate the work of the recipients of the income statement, applying suitable solutions to favor and simplify the comparison between the actions implemented and the results achieved.
The strong competitiveness among competitors in the market, combined with increasing regulatory compliance and unpredictable changes in the operating environment, make business management ever more complex. So there must be an ongoing effort to put simple and quick solutions into practice to ensure that operational functions can use their time profitably.

How should an operating income statement be to support management?
It must have a dynamic vision to look forward and provide a complete picture of operational management by giving greater weight to meaningful and timely information, rather than accuracy and form.
It must consider the cost allocations foreseen for making simulations and projections for the remaining period at the end of the financial year.
It must have the items classified by destination so that each function can compare the costs incurred and the resources used with the results obtained such as the turnover or the service rendered to a function downstream of the transformation process.
It must apply the cash criterion to make it an effective and easy-to-read tool for operational staff.

On the other hand, the statutory financial statements are oriented to the past, with the items recorded by nature and this prevents the single function from understanding the weight of its own structure in terms of costs and absorbed resources.
It favors the equity aspects accompanying the information of third parties, and this makes it unsuitable for evaluating ex ante the possible results of the actions taken at an operational level to achieve the objectives of the strategic plan.
Since the nineties, with the spread of ERP management systems, it is quite simple to start from the same database of the general accounting ledger to have a management income statement for use by the operating functions.
In this way, the statutory financial statements perform the function envisaged by the legislation, while the management income statement performs a further but different task, because if the needs vary, the measurement tools must also change.
It is obvious that between the final result of the two reports, albeit with some differences, there are close relationships which are explained by the accounting reconciliation report produced on an annual basis.
It is an aspect linked to the different time reference, and experience shows that in the space of a few years these differences gradually decrease.

In summary, from an economic point of view, the dynamic vision pushes the company to maintain a constant commitment to the development and introduction on the market of new products to replace those withdrawn from the list at the end of their life cycle.
The dynamic vision is also important from a financial point of view because it pushes the commercial department to consider the collection of receivables from customers as functional to growth and to finance the development and launch of new products on the market.
Management control can play a crucial role if it adopts a dynamic, forward-looking vision and applies simple procedures and suitable tools to accompany the company in the implementation of the chosen strategic lines.
This is the path that SMEs should take to compete successfully in an increasingly difficult environment.

Advantages obtainable out of this project:

  1. Start the business development path that aims at growing turnover and operating profitability that leads to financial independence in the long term;
  2. Constantly follow operational management and progress towards the set objectives;
  3. Fully involve the operational functions in the development path, giving the staff full responsibility on their strategic levers;
  4. Break down the general objectives into individual sub-objectives in order to have full and effective accountability of the operational staff, thus facilitating the control of the objectives set out in the MBO incentive plan.
  5. Improve the reconciliation between the operating income of the internal income statement with the final result of the financial statements drawn up according to accounting principles;

Promo offer for evaluation of the company business development plan project

KenningConsulting has studied everything to offer extremely competitive conditions and guaranteed results. We consider it an investment to make ourselves known and to get to know our customers.
For an efficient development of the project it is necessary that the companies possess certain prerequisites whose existence will be verified in a preliminary phase. If successful, the project will be implemented immediately in its entirety. If not, the entrepreneur will be proposed the actions to be taken before starting the project.

Small Enterprise

For a small enterprise, a business plan project can be done with a total cost of € 5,000 divided into two phases for eigthteen consulting days:


  • € 500 token for four half days of consultancy to evaluate if go ahead with phase two and continue the project with indication of the working areas
  • Development of the project with sixteen days of consultancy.

The travel expenses duly documented will be added to the costs indicated above.

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Medium-sized Enterprise

For a medium-sized enterprise, a business plan project can be done with a total cost of € 6,700 divided into two phases for twentyfour consulting days:


  • € 1000 token for eight half days of consultancy to evaluate if go ahead with phase two and continue the project with indication of the working areas
  • Development of the project with twenty days of consultancy

The travel expenses duly documented will be added to the costs indicated above.

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Non-disclosure agreement

Kenning Consulting undertakes to sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect the confidentiality of the company’s data and informations of which it will come to know during the consultancy.

Find out more about our projects for management improvement and you will see they can be useful for your company!